Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Destination Paved By this Man

Trying to find the
destinations in which tedious
talkative transvestites
are in the midst
of taking me.
What destination is the pendulum
going to swing next
can I text you the answer
or is it against the rules
Of engagement.
For my thoughts tend to refocus
to engage the mind and spirit,
the car in which I steer
it can be out of focus
for many to see coming,
but I assure you it's there.
Clothes make the man,
so they say,
but I say
how the clothes
shall tailor to me.
I am a man
hear me roar,
but understanding
that when I speak up,
my awareness of the consequences
have already peaked.
I accept my bark, bite and
any confrontational
altercations that they generate
That is why I call myself MAN.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Distraction vs. Destination

days and days
of phrased praise.
One understands words
but sometimes the meaning
escapes the natural curve
of reality.
I just try to walk and
not stumble off the
path of righteousness.
But buses and buses
of people keep
side-swiping me
spinning my focus in a different
direction from the
end of this journey.
the choice,
is mine,
for by allowing the
distraction of others directions
to intertwine with my mind
fault lies within this spine.
It is mine to grasp and hold
for every wasted distraction
gives me more
clarity to finish this journey
when hurdles are passed
and the path
allows my vision to once more grasp.