Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Separate But Equal

Separate But Equal

It is
either perception or regurgitation
of another's
that get us to our final destination.
A narration can be controlled by many
but only one can put a period
at the end of the period
when life runs out of your body.
And because it's about
the journey and not the destination
what is your soundtrack
to life?
Have you singled out
one genre,
because that is who you feel you are?
Or does your life
and strife
take twist and turns
as mine does?
Not allowing me to box myself in,
only to understand that
each are different
and being okay with all
similar pieces creating the whole.
Just understanding this
tally or toll
pays for itself
in the battle between
falling in line or
being separate but equal
for we all are.......

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Self vs. Corporate

Sometimes shit just rolls down

But to frown is a repellent,

At least in my head.

But whether in my head

Or in my body

I can’t submit to the shit.

I am a person

Who breathes and talks in reality

But what’s your reality?

I want to know the source

And whether it’s ok for you to

Embrace such a

Hypocritical establishment.

I’ve made my decision.