Saturday, January 21, 2012


Family, please don't read too much into this. I'm just thinking out-loud, and you know me. But if you do decide to go there and read this, I'm open to whatever you want to discuss regarding this entry.


Really, what the fuck is on my mind

It seems that time

Is running thin and my twin

Has nothing to say.


For the fangs of such has not sucked enough blood.

It's Bloodtose intolerant.

like Lactose

without the messy DNA.

I guess too much blood makes it sick

But not in the

Traditional way.

Sick to their stomachs

In the way that any human being would be

Regarding the segregation of any human
into a group and casting judgements.

My Fathers is a preacher,

So judgements are something

That allows for one’s survival.

Thank God for a father that

Understood that although we all judge,

Understanding the difference

Between what we are taught to question

And actually seeing with one’s eyes,

Hearing with one’s ears,

And feeling with one’s touch

Will get us as a society

To 50 percent of our goal.

The other 50%

Is found in faith.

So save your questions

Unless you know 100%

Of everything.

Which means you have 100%

Access to your brain.





Sunday, January 1, 2012

The First day of the Year 2012

The First day of the Year 2012

Ready or not

Here I come, come

And come again

Into the light

The bright friend

Who has tried to position

Itself on a the right path

And oh, how I’ve stumbled,

And caught the world wrath.

But I press on

Or press play on recorded

Messages I locked away in my minds


So on this first day

Who do I allow to pour salt

In this wound of mine?

Knowing the need for change

Is not the same as excepting it.

Like pacing when you should sit.

Or swallowing judgment

When you should spit,

Age is what seems to be the key,

A factor that coaxes me to ponder on

The voice of my father as he teached.

A recording


Allows itself to surface

And the words are finally spoken.

“You think you have the world

In the palm of your Hand,

But it’s bigger.

And God is Bigger than the world.”

So where am I positioned in this Great master-plan?

I hear but not find a place

Because I’m not the normal fan.

But this is okay

For my words still have the power to play

Melodies from Heaven

In your ears,

Through your own voice

Throughout our years.

Fear is still apparent in

Every corner of the mind

But recognizing this

I refuse to allow that nerve on my spine

To Hinder growth.

I am ready,

Ready to not come

And be where you want me to be

But to land

Where it best suits me.

By another Poet Elias Tañedo Manzur

I live in a "world" that judges the color of a teachers skin
why can we not look past,
or simply discard the being and find the true word(s)
we make rich and famous the drunken idiot jester in a attempt to find,
a king we kill in the alley way with our ignorance knife,
we stab thinking (over comb,laugh)stab (over comb, laugh) stab,
and we over comb .... nothing,
we see the shore and swim to get closer in another failed attempt at success....
dumb be praised,
smart be bitten,torn,shoved aside!
me and what came to pass in my mind after reading what you wrote!