Friday, January 2, 2015

Outside The Cage Looking In

Outside The Cage 
Looking In

I choose to just reflect a point a view
And then sit down and
Try and break down every response.
A magician trying to
Organize the waves of the sea
The many waves
Rise and fall
And gravity walks away
To leave the decision of pull
To someone less qualified to place judgment
on the destination of the masses.
Tisk tisk
A task and a flask
To make these decisions
Approachable without conscience.
At least,
 in the moment,
One’s mind
Is now floating on waters
Black and White.
A fine line sitting on the grey sea of life.
Information is not held within
Its pipeline.
Just Polarization of America
In which its value system is the new chew toy.
The same story
Started by the
Black and White
Is now the story read by
brown, yellow and red.
Ideals caught up in the flag
That we once looked up to with raised heads
Has fallen along the waste side
And such notions on
We now Tread.
 Breeding does not mean well bred.
Understanding entitlement is not the language of the
Well read.
But allows for the cutting of corners
In order to get ahead.
The chink in ones armor is
Available for viewing
And the cage around you
Is self inflicted
Unlike the people who are born into it

Without a choice.