Monday, January 1, 2018

Mistakes = Teachable Moments

Allow a me a moment
to Inhale 2018 
and Exhale 2017
Understanding with full 
The gravity of a
Past to Present ratio.
Do Not Last
And the Cash 
one can inherit 
from such an understanding 
Anything taught to you in a class room.
A lesson as simple as
Any so-called "mistake"
Is just a teachable moment,
You keep your ears open
Your mind a scopin
and are able to 
maneuver pass 
The fear of Failure.
Every step 
Whether Missed or Calculated
Is Just a piece 
in a life's puzzle
to get one closer to the light.
A light so bright 
that it warms you on those
when you want to retreat 
into yourself 
and hide from the world.
Experience shows 
that there's no true 
escape from the light,
"For whatever
happens in the Dark,
Will eventually to come to light."
As for 2017 
It behaved as it should've,
slinging Peaks and Valleys
corporate meeting 
to alleys,
but dwelling on either the 
high or the low 
cannot help the present.
Memory is still the key 
to free one-self 
from retracing past
faulty steps
Just be self-aware enough
to not allow these steps to be trapped 
in the quick sands 
of time.
That past fine,
can keep one from bathing 
in the sublime waters of 2018
and living in the present.