Thursday, July 26, 2012

Eclipse Avoided

Eclipse Avoided

Sick Shades of Stylistic
License has a structured
Against human nature.
Where’s the sun,
You know the one that used
To shine before the fifty sh……
Earlier mentioned blinders
Came into mind.
Or Reminders of the future
Because such reflects
The past.
And visitation is not
Sanctioned by the irrigation
System the press has in place.
Or is the disgrace
Perpetuated by the
Money machine
That turns our nation’s attention
To the bling bling
Pinky ring wearing
Hoe directing pimps
Who dress in 3 piece suits
Redirecting perceptions from
The simple truth to what
They want us to see.
Please reach deeper
Please see deeper
Don’t be afraid to leap
Don’t allow non-conformance
To condemn you for being the speaker.
Speaker or speaking
What you see with your
Eyes and not
With your hands
Is never a problem
It’s an endeavor to announce your truth
To the world
And that is the most
Honest act
You could ever embrace.