Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Stepping Towards Love and Growth

I'm here thinking that Love
should be the answer,
But then
other voices
puff their chests out and 
think that they have an answer that differs.
You're privi to your opinion 
but it doesn't mean I have to follow suit. 
The proof is in the out-come. 
Sometimes, taking yourself 
out of the equation 
helps in the growth 
of perspective. 
I'm not that old 
but age has not restricted me from 
understanding the nuances of 
person to person interactions. 
These tend to be the cornerstone 
of whether one adds to their inner circle,
Or lands on the scale of subtraction. 
I currently can't call it 
for I'm not fully there myself,
and I don't want to rely on such a crutch to propel me.
I've accepted that 
I'm okay with difference,
and am not trying to shut down 
the truth. 
I find my proof in the words of an obstacle not connected.
Who am I to question,
sit in it.
So I sit here,
trying to decipher the truth and because I love this 
craft so much, I don't feel the need to explain. 

Let us just grow together
especially in this New Year.