Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Self -Discussion

Simple sentences
serenade thy ears so sweetly.
So sweetly that words get lost in the 
two parts should move as one
to make a whole,
But distractions
plague each of our 
played positions.
Intuitively I now 
go against my intuitions.
So the curve escapes such 
Question lie in the 
cracks of foundations
Ahead of the curve 
or behind
One can only find what lies 
true in their own perceptions. 
Best thing is to realize the 
destructive, distractive nature 
and embrace it.
For in that
lies a tactile truism and 
that truth has the ability 
to teach and direct ones future steps.
Fear is the only road-block
in finding the glitch 
in the matrix 
and unblock destiny's road 
A road that creativity stems from.