Sunday, January 1, 2017

Views From Inside Out 2017

I seek not 
the cause of 
cautious parents surrounding
the idea of Santa Claus.
Is too much honesty 
too much 
an appeal to the youth?
Thank God 
for questions I do not have to answer.
But without the answers 
the questions still lie.
And then 
who's truly lying?
In search for context in such
contextual driven 
A government
we always trusted to be 
a  terrifically 
in regards to disclosing 
its truths.
But now we are sitting on the cusp
of collapse 
both foreign and domestic. 
It seems as if 
domestic abuse 
is not just relegated to 
the so-called 
A concept that may not even 
be considered a reality 
as it was in the 90's.
 For such abuses
have always existed out of 
the hood. 
But the candy-caned 
designed by Fendi and Abercrombie and Finch
blocked the view to reality.
It's hard to blame such a 
socially searching for some 
type of belonging
group of people.
For we all want to 
find those 
who understand and embrace us.
I've just gotten to the point
it's not worth the sacrifice
of the truth.